
Winter Extremes Grip Global Regions

Record-Breaking Cold: Beijing’s Chilled December, Scandinavian Freeze, and Cyclone Alvaro’s Impact on Madagascar Mark Unusual Start to 2024

Beijing Weather News Snow

Powerful Earthquake Hits Japan

A devastating 7.6 magnitude earthquake in Japan on New Year’s Day claims at least 48 lives, triggers tsunamis, prompts urgent rescue efforts on the Noto peninsula, and raises concerns in the nuclear industry.

earthquake japan powerful

Jimmy Lai Faces Critical Legal Battle

Hong Kong Media Tycoon Jimmy Lai’s High-Stakes Trial: A Turning Point in Press Freedom

Jimmy Lai battle legal freedom democracy news

Tokyo Airport Plane Collision

Swift Evacuation Averts Tragedy in Tokyo Airport Plane Collision

Japan fire crash accident news

Iran Under Siege: Decoding the Kerman Attack

Resilience in the Face of Adversity